December 14, 2020

Marie Bortolotto 2020


"I have seen the waters of the Yellow River
Changing endlessly from muddy to clear.
The current rushes forward, fast as an arrow;
I am buffeted by life like a drifting reed.
After countless cycles of calamity,
Still no enlightenment comes."

- Unknown, Classical Chinese poetry

December 6, 2020

Marie Bortolotto 2020

Marie Bortolotto 2020       


What an I dreaming of?
Nothing. I'm creating the
Dream. Heavy Soul!

- Charles Henri Ford, American poet

Where is the moon?
the temple bell is sunk
at the bottom of the sea

- Basho

a butterfly flits
from grave to grave:
out of my mouth -
the naked and the dead

-AA Marcoff

M. Bortolotto Artist 2020

M. Bortolotto 2020