August 30, 2020

Conversations #1 by Marie Bortolotto Artist 2020

Conversations #2 by Marie Bortolotto Artist 2020


August 28, 2020

Marie Bortolotto 2020
Poem by Pablo Neruda
Si cade día cae
dentro de cade noche
hay un pozo
donde la claridad está encerrada.

Hay que sentarse a la orilla
del pozo de la sombra
y pescar de la sombra
y pescar luz caída 
con paciencia.
If each day falls
inside each night,
there exists a well
where clarity is imprisoned.

We need to sit on the rim
of the well of darkness
and fish for fallen light 
with patience.


August 22, 2020

Marie Bortolotto 2020

Sometimes Mysteriously
by Luis Omar Salinas

Sometimes in the evening when love
tunes its harp and the crickets
celebrate life, I am like a troubadour
in search of friends, loved ones,
anyone who will share with me
a bit of conversation. My loneliness
arrives ghostlike and pretentious,
it seeks my soul, it is ravenous
and hurting. I admire my father
who always has advice in these matters,
but a game of chess won't do, or
the frivolity of religion.
I want to find a solution, so I
write letters, poems and sometimes
I touch solitude on the shoulder
and surrender to a great tranquility.
I understand I need courage
and sometimes, mysteriously,
I feel whole.

Marie Bortolotto 2020

Marie Bortolotto 2020

Marie Bortolotto 2020

Marie Bortolotto 2020


Marie Bortolotto 2020